Friday, July 27, 2012

Diablo 3 : Act 1 hell Barbarian

My level 52 Barbarian

This is my level 52 barbarian, and is currently at Act 1 Hell Difficulty
he is surely Different compared with my previously level 42 barbarian doesn't it?
And by the way my battle tag is Artanis.
There are more pictures and videos than writings in my blog because i think
people are more interested in looking pictures and videos compared to
reading texts, well that's my opinion anyway..
You are probably interested how my barbarian looks in Inferno gear..
And again, wait my next posts.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Diablo 3 Barbarian gameplay Act 2 nightmare

This is Melkul my level 42 Barbarian
I have advanced a little since my last post. The difference is the chestpiece, weapon, shield,
and helmet. The chestpiece seems more thin and open than the last barbarian gameplay post
but it's actually had more armor than the plate mail, the chestpiece name is etched jacket.
And in my last post my barb (the short of Barbarian)
uses a spear,a pelta (nightmare version of round shield) ,and a plate helmet.
Now my latest barb uses a Machete (blue glowing giant sword), a knight shield,
and a basinet (horned helmet).
You want to see him in action? See below!

In this video i'm doing a hit and run strategy, and i'm still dying a lot
(You're dying when the screen goes red) surely nightmare act 2 is tough
for a casual player like me..
but then again all my enemies are dead in this video he2
You're probably curious how my barb looks when he gets stronger
Wait my next posts..