Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Demon Hunter skills and runes continued

The Demon Hunter skill Caltrops lays a trap on the ground that slows enemies, the caltrops range is 12 yards and slows enemies by 60% and this trap lasts 6 seconds and also cost 8 Discipline
(Discipline is the hunter's resource for defensive and utility skills).
This skill is runed with hooked spines which increase the slowing amount to 80%

The Demon Hunter skill Preparation is a skill that restores all discipline but can only be executed every 45 seconds (Cooldown means the skill needs to cool-down for a certain amount of time)
This skill is runed with invigoration which increases maximum discipline by 10 for 5 seconds
when using this skill.

Fan of Knives
The Demon Hunter skill Fan of Knives throw knives in a spiral pattern around your character and doing
320% weapon damage (weapon held damage) to all enemies within 10 yards of your character
and also slows enemies by 60% for 2 seconds.
This skill costs 20 Hatred.
This skill is runed with Crippling Razors which increases the amount enemies are slowed to
80% for 2 seconds

The Demon Hunter skill Multishot Fires a Fan of arrows Dealing 115% weapon damage to all enemies
it hits.
This skill costs 15 hatred.
This skill is runed with Fire At Will Which reduces Hatred cost to 10 and deals
the 115% weapon damage as lightning

My girlfriend once opened my blog and she says that she doesn't understand at all what am i
writing at this blog because she isn't a diablo player.
I will write in my next post for Diablo beginners and what Diablo is all about.

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