Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Diablo 3 Nightmare Barbarian gameplay

My nightmare difficulty barbarian
I finally bought my original version of Diablo 3 (Always buy origimal games he2)
and my barbarian named melkul has just reached nightmare difficulty
You want to see him in action? look below
In this video the skills i use is: (In order of appearance)
War cry (The expanding blue ring)
Furious Charge (The barbarian dashes forward striking all enemies in his way)
Ground Stomp (The barbarian steps on the ground and stunning all enemies around)
Cleave (The barbarian swings the weapon in an arc)
Seisimic slam (The barbarian swings his weapon downwards to the ground and releases
ripples at the ground, knocking enemies backwards)

In Diablo 3 There is 4 levels of difficulty Normal, Nightmare, Hell, and Inferno
And my character here (Melkul) has reached act 1 Nightmare, which means i already
completed the game once (Act 1 until Act4) in Normal

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